31 July, 2012

Singaporeans of tomorrow LRD Pg 3

How do you think can the "Linksters/Gen Z/C Generation" use their strengths to contribute to the society?


Tan Owen 5 Graciousness said...

Everyone has a part to play in the society.Whether they are the youngsters or the elderly of today,they to have a part to play.
Youngsters have many talents that can change the society as we know it. For example: many youngsters these days are computer whizzes. This can be used promote online learning to learn about several topics such as cyber wellness and homework help.
Another talent can be the agile and fit youngsters that can play sports and some others may also continue to represent the country for the YOG(Youth Olympic Games) at secondary 4!
Also, many boy scouts and girl scouts are contributing to make our society more lively by helping out at community clubs and old folk homes. Some are even helping out for charitable reasons, for example, The Red Cross.
There are so many ways youngsters can contribute to society, that their uses are practically as much impact as what everyday adults are doing. No matter what you do, it is the thought that counts.