Other than bravery, what other characteristics does the girl show? Explain your answer.
Have you ever been in similar situation? Share your experience.
6 Adaptability
02 April, 2013
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Austin 6Adaptilibty said,
Besides bravery, she also shown spunk.She never give up when she was badly injured.She should be praised for being brave.It was very sad that her father passed away.
The other characteristics the girl have shown is Perseverance.It is because even when she is hurt,she still persevere to clamber up the rocks to reach the highway.She even flagged down a passing motorist who helped her alert the police.I think that she is feeling very sad as his father had passed away.I had never been in a similar situation before.Thank You.
She showed care for the father love as she tried so hard to find help. If I was the girl I would do the same,to look for help but I would also like to help if I knew how to assist.
Other than bravery, the girl had shown adaptability,as even the father was in danger, she still stay calm and when she smelled the petrol after the crash, she was still able to turned off the engine.So that it will prevent any other injury. I have not been to similar situation.
She shows that she is very independent.Such as she knows how to get out of the canyon by herself without the guidance of her father.She also has adaptability in herself as she could adapt herself to the heat in the canyon.I feel pity that she lost her father.
I think that she has shown resilience, because she was nine, and hiked up a steep canyon that was 3.2Km long.She did not give up until she she reached the highway, where she flagged a motorist to call the police. I have not been in a similar situation, but if I was her, I would not have known what to do. She was even smart enough to turn off the engine after she smelled petrol.Maybe if she didn't, the car would've exploded and she would've died too.
No,I have not.I think she has done a wonderful thing as she wanted to save her father's life.Unfortunately he died.It shows how much she loved him.In conclusion,I have to say I am very lucky as there is no fighting Singapore.
I think she has done a good thing as she wanted to risk her life for her father's life. But sadly,it was too late.Her father had passed away.
Other that bravery, the girl had shown adaptability. As even her father was in danger, and she smelled the petrol, she was able to stay calm and turned off the engine to prevent any other injury. I have not been in any similar situation.
The values are resilience,adaptability,perserence,caring for her father and loving for her father.Just because without resilience,she will give up easily with all those howling wild dogs and the cold weather;without adaptability,she would just wonder what to do and not do that bravery act;without perserence,she would give up easily and not find her father;if she do not care or love for her father,she would not even bother to look for him.
She shows perseverance,because she continuing hiking for 3.2 kilometers and scaled the walls of a steep canyon in California to get help for her injured father.Although she knows that there were lots of cold and howling wild dogs,she just continue to hike.This shows that she has perseverance.
The girl had shows courage.She was not scared or afraid and also brave enough to turn off the engine.I feel sad for her father which died.
Other than bravery,the girl also showed resilience and determination.she showed resilience because she did not give despite having minor scraches.
she also showed determination because she was determined to save her father even though his father already passed away.If I was god,I will let his father live.
This nine year old girl did not just show bravery , she also showed that she had caring and had kind characteristics...... You may ask why i said kind and caring my answer is that some girls may just think that their life is more important than their parents and the would not try saving them . At lease she was caring and kind enough to save her father.....
The girl showed love and care for her father other than bravery,she saw her father in trouble and went to help him even though she knew it was very dangerous to go and save her father.I have done something similar to what she had done like when my brother was hurt and i went to help him by carrying him to my house and give him a plaster if he has any wounds.
Besides bravery the girl also showed determination as she never gave up.
Other than bravery, the girl showed love for her father. When they were in danger, the girl stayed calm and went to find someone to help. When she smelled the petrol, she was brave enough to turn off the engine. She was just nine and for the sake of her father, she tried to call for help.
The girl showed determination .The nine-year-old girl hiked 3.2km and scaled thew walls of a steep canyon just to get help for her father. She was not scare to hike alone in the outside world and was very intelligent to turn off the engine. This girl should me respected and her parents should be very proud for her.
Other than bravery, the girl showed perseverance.Even after her father died,she stayed calm.And when she smelled the petrol she was able to turn it off.
The girl showed determination.Knowing that she had minor injury,she clamber up to the highway and called for help.This story is just like my youngest sister.She got muscle cramp in the middle of a dance but she hang in there and manage to finish it
Other then bravery,the girl also showed courag and determination.She was brave in the cold and the howling wild dogs.
This girl did not only show bravery , she also show that she had caring , courageous and kind characteristics.... You may ask why i said all those characteristics that is because some may just let their father be and say that their life is more important .She tried to save her father that is BIG.... If i were in her place i would have done the same ,as not every body knows how losing a father is......
This young girl have shown great peserverence(how is this spelled?) ,courage,love and this inspiring article that a girl as small as nine years of age did so much for her beloved father.
The girl had shown independence because she stay calm after the car crash she even turn off the engine when she smelled petrol after the car crash.Even though she had some injuries she still continued to called for help.
Other than bravery, the girl showed love and care for her father. The girl is also very smart because she knows how to off the car engine.
I think this girl showed commitment, love and care for her father. She has shown a lot of bravery and should be a role model to all kids. It think what she has done is very dangerous but she did it for her dad.Even if she got injured, she still did what she had to do no matter what. This what I call true bravery.
Other than bravery,the girl show resilience to never give up and was very smart to off the engine in case of an explosion.Even though she left her father, she never gave up on him and hiked 3.2km just because of him.i think that we should learn from this girl to never give up.
The girl has shown persistence and adaptability. The girl, who risk her own life to save her father, overcame all odds and managed to survive this near-death experience. But unfortunately, not for her father. This incident is certainly pitiful and unfortunate, one as unfortunate as losing someone of your own flesh and blood. I certainly have not been in the similar situation. However I do think that this girl is certainly a girl that deserves not only a pat on the back, but her father back.
Other than bravery, this amazing and extraordinary girl has shown adaptability, resilience and intelligence. She was smart enough to think of turning off the engine of the car when she smelt oil. She was resilient enough to scale the mountain and get help. She adapted to the harsh weather of the mountain and got help. I don’t have a personal experience where I have exhibited bravery. This girl has surpassed her limits and scaled the mountain. It is unfortunate that she lost her father, but he must be up there looking at her and feeling proud at the same time. This is also a lesson for us to be adaptable, resilient and intelligent.7106
I am Sindujah Nair from (5 compassion)
I am for the idea of customers bringing their own recycling bags. These actions will help to reduce the usage and production of plastic bags. Doing this will help the factories all over the world to save the usage of:
1. Manpower
2. Electricity
3. Water
4. Chemicals
5. Resources (plastic)
Reducing the usage of plastic bags will preserve our ozone layer.
Currently, there are 2 ozone holes; one over Europe and one over Australia.
Restricting the usage of plastic bags may reduce or prevent infliction of harmful diseases like skin cancer which is very serious and many other health related problems.
Ozone holes also create global warming around the world and extreme weather changes such as tsunamis, hurricanes, thunderstorms and other freaks of nature.
Let’s see if we reduce, or even better, stop the usage of plastic bags so that we will not fall prey to harmful effects due to ozone depletion cuased plastic bags production and its disposal.
Thank you my friends for reading on!
S Shrree Sindujah Nair
Hi I am Sindujah (5 compassion)
The girl in this story has proved that she is determined and she also proved that she is resilience. She did not give up and think what to do and immediately turned for help. She was young but has such a good heart to save her father who was badly injured. Ever how hard she tried her father was not able to make it.It is very sad. Every one who read this story must look up to her as a good role model as she proved herself beyond her age. Not only that, she held out one of our school values Resilience
Other than bravery, I feel that the girl also showed independence and resilience. This incident proves that she can survive on her own. Not only that, it also shows that throughout all that happened, she did just give and start crying. However, she tried many ways to get her father and herself out of danger. Sadly, her father had to go. Although I have never been through such an experience, I know that it is very painful to lose a loved one after doing so much for him,her or even it. When my pet died, it was painful for me. In fact it took me quite a few days to get over it. Now, i hope to be able to take of my other pets well. However, the girl’s story is rather different from mine. She did so much for her father, while I did not take care of my pet
Other than bravery the girl also showed perseverance. Even though she was injured, she still hiked 3.2km and scaled the walls of a steep canyon. Without giving up she clambered up the rocks to call for help. This also shows that the girl was very independent as she brave the cold and howling dogs alone while she clambered up the rocks. I have never been in a similar situation before.
Other than bravery, the girl showed perseverance. She hiked3.2km and scaled the walls of a crayon just to get help for her father.. She never gave up even when there were obstacles in her way. Even though this article did not say if she had fell, I am sure that she fell a great many times. I am also sure that she had picked herself up a great many times. This to me shows perseverance.
Another thing is that she showed a lot of care. She ‘sacrificed’ such a tiring trip just to get help for her father. She must have thought about her father along the way to keep her going. It seemed to me that she did such a thing for her father to save him as he must have cared for her a lot. She must have loved him a lot too, just to do such a thing.
I think she also showed a lot of courage. Not many people have the courage to do what she had done. Even I wouldn’t dare. Doing the actions she had done, she has shown us what true courage means.
I admire her spirit and wish I could be like her because this is a girl who has a spirit that is one of a kind.
Other than bravery, the girl also showed the value resilience. Even when she was injured, she never gave up and tried her very best to hike 3.2 km up a steep canyon. She knew that she must save her father. She knew that she must try her very best and no matter what, by hook or by crook, she must save her father.
I also felt that that girl showed care and love for her father as she, a nine year old girl, managed to climb 3.2km! Mind you, it is 3.2 KM! Think about it, who could walk 3.2 km without giving up? Not to say, even when we are doing our 1.6km run, we tend to walk sometimes when we run which is kind of giving up!
I have never been in such a similar situation. Even if I was, I do not think that I will be like that girl as I tend to give up easily. Therefore, I know I must keep it a habit to neer give up! :)
I think the girl was very brave, she was very clever to turn off the car engine as the car might have exploded if she did not do this. She showed courage and determination, she hiked 3.2kilometres and scaled high walls just to save her father. Sadly. her father was alreadly dead when the rescue team arrived.
For a nine-year-old, she showed great perservance.She had to brave the cold just to get help. Maybe if I were in this situation, I would not even dare to hike alone in the cold, just to get help.
Well-said! If your parents were to read what you have written in your comment, they will be so proud of you.
Ms Tan SP
I think we should show the basic of compassion resilience and respect to others
Afiqah Norizka 5Com
Besides showing bravery , she had also shown the value of resilience .I said that because she shown me that she never give up when she went to save her father . I also think that she had shown the value compassion as she had been very caring and lovely to he beloved father.
As for me i had not been into a similiar situation ike this and if i do so i think i will give up easily and cannot continue it but it is so sad too that the father passed away.
Afiqah Norizka 5 Compassion
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